
Flower, Printmaking
What made me interested in art in the first place was always figuration, and so oftentimes I find it more enjoyable to personify objects or animals to give a more dynamic take on things. The way I make faces comes from connecting many different original images together at important meeting points, such at eyelids, mouths, noses, or chins. Then I twist or push the remaining sections of a face to fit the mold of this new figure. It was interesting to see how many sections of the face in particular smooth out into a unified one in the screen printing process. Additionally, noses and eyes line the center face to act as seeds and petals. Human arms are then arranged to resemble stems, and leaves take the place of hands on either side. This screen print is an edition of 1 and hangs in a 10x8 inch frame.

Printmaking    7 x 5    $150.00